Tuesday, February 3, 2015

How to keep your sanity when you’re moving across the country.

In a few days, my husband and our 2 large dogs will get into a car and drive from Pennsylvania to our new home in Colorado. Moving can make you crazy! I’ve moved around more than most, and I have to say the process of packing and moving is not my favorite. This I’ve made an effort to NOT lose my sanity with the move. I’ve been more mindful of my stress, more organized and more focused on self care.
Here are my top 5 tips for keeping your sanity during my move across the country:
1 - Move less stuff. My husband and I have spent the last few months doing a major downsizing of our stuff. We moved into our current house 2 years ago and there were some items we haven’t used at all in that time! Those were the first to go. We also decided not to take furniture. We gave some items to friends and family, donated some to charity, and sold things on craigslist and Facebook yardsale groups. It’s really freeing getting rid of clutter and things that we don’t love & saves us time and money to move it.
2 - Stick to your routine. My morning routine is something like this... get up, let the dogs out, have a large glass of water with lemon while reading, meditate, walk the dogs, exercise. I get up really early so that I can do this every day - it is like a reset button for me. My evening routine is more calming and is supportive of a good night’s sleep... meditate when I’m done working, have a cup of herbal tea, and reading (fiction) before I go to bed. Whatever your routine, try to stick to it.
3 - Do one thing a day for your move. Instead of getting overwhelmed with all you have to do, just do one thing a day towards getting yourself moved across the country. There is a lot to do, and it still gets done if you do it bit by bit. For instance, one day you’ll clean out your closet, the next day head to Goodwill to donate your clothes, the next day change your address with US Postal, etc. Try using the “small step” approach with other goals.
4 - Pay attention to your nutrition. It’s really easy to slack on eating healthy at this time. But it’s more important than ever to take care of yourself during this chaotic time to keep your energy up. If half of your kitchen is already packed up, just eat really simply... like a green smoothie or oatmeal for breakfast, soup or salad for lunch, then some quinoa with roasted veggies for dinner. And, don’t forget to drink lots of water and stay hydrated!
5 - Take care of your back. Ok, so moving involves packing and moving heavy boxes, furniture, etc. Really is time to nurture your back. If you’re feeling stiff, try to make time to go for a walk or do some yoga. There are some great yoga videos free on Youtube, like this one and this one. An Epsom salt bath is a great way to relieve sore muscles and detox too.
I hope these tips help you whether you are moving across the country, to another country, or down the block! What are your tips for keeping your sanity when you move?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not moving, but I really need to purge and clean out "stuff". Reading this was the little inspiration I needed to get moving! Thanks. Good luck with your move...Colorado will be beautiful!
    Off to drink a glass of lemon water. ;)
    Happy Day to you.
