Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Chillin' in the Kitchen (plus Autumn Salad Recipe)

Whew! Is it just me, or is this time of year always just crazy busy? Sometimes I feel like I’m drowning in the amount of stuff I need and want to get done... then I look ahead to the holidays... and want to freak out! And then, the days, they are literally getting shorter. I know I’m not alone in this feeling.

This month seemed busier than most. I traveled to Colorado as I’m relocating to the Denver / Boulder area this winter. And, I finished my Holistic Nutrition program at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and passed my certification exam. I am now a Certified Holistic Health Coach, yipee! I’ve been developing more recipes, programs and workshops that I am so excited to share with you over the coming year.

What grounds me when I have that “there isn’t enough time” feeling is getting back into the kitchen. I put on some fun music, pull out all of my organic veggies, and get creative. I know not all of you love hangin’ in the kitchen the way I do. 

Below are a few simple tips to help you transform your relationship with cooking - try one of these this week!
  • Use a timer (I use the timer on my iPhone)
  • Experiment - Try one new recipe a week (Great recipe is below!)
  • Use Condiments - Cook something really simple - like a baked sweet potato - and everyone adds whatever condiment they like. My faves are salsa, Bragg’s liquid aminos, hummus and sauerkraut.
  • Bulk cook grains and beans - If you are cooking rice - make enough for a few meals. Then you have rice on hand for a stir fry or pilaf.

Autumn Salad (that even salad haters like!)

So, we’ve been making and eating this salad a few times a week. My husband is not a huge fan of salad for dinner - but - this salad he loves. It uses veggies that are in season right now, and comes together easily in a half hour. Make this tonight!

Gather up:
About a dozen fingerling potatoes
1 delicata squash (or another type of winter squash)
1 carrot - grated
Handful of chopped walnuts
One large head of romaine lettuce - washed and chopped
Black sesame seeds

For the dressing:
1 tablespoon dijon dressing
1 tsp raw honey
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp Sea salt
Pepper to taste
1 cup of Avocado oil or Extra Virgina Olive Oil

Start out by preheating your oven to 425.

Chop the potatoes and squash. If you are using delicata there is no need to peel. Chop up and put on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Got those guys into the oven.

Next, put together your other salad fixings: lettuce, carrots, walnuts, whatever else you’ve got to throw in there. Put it into a big bowl.

Measure out all of your dressing ingredients and whisk.

When the taters and squash are done (tender), remove from the oven and let cool a few minutes. Then throw them into the salad bowl.

Add dressing to the salad bowl - we use about half a batch and save the rest for later. Throw in those black sesame seeds. Enjoy!

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